Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground
"To know the pain of loss..."

Hope u guys are comfy with the new layout :P

Anyways... I was feelin really out of it today. Coughing, wheezing...

It was so humbling. A reminder that im only human afterall. Prolly got sick cuz i over-exerted myself ytd.

Ponned school but had to go out for important stuff. Got an MC too ^^

The past few days have been really tough. Scrapping by with only a few dollars. Im kinda upset with how my office is handling my pay check.

It's like they dont care if i have a life, bills to pay etc

But things will get better soon i hope. Desperate times calls for desperate measures as they say.

Perhaps im biting off more than i can chew with the risks im taking =/

Oh yea...

Sorry Rahz and Jinkz for makin u worry. ^^

See ya around.

"To know the pain of loss... Is to value the joys of Life"

++ lieberated at 1:38 AM