Wednesday, July 11, 2007

About:: ME [7th July 07]
"Know thy ENEMY..."

New to the concept of Hadi?

Now I've got just the thing for you...


He likes:Sweet Stuff, Cars & Sportsbikes

He hates:Negative Attitudes, Liars, Ignorance & Intolerance

Greatest Ambition: World Conquest of course... (If u wanna dream, dream BIG)

Reasonably now: Own Restaurant, Pub, Club

Greatest Fears: Loneliness (Yes, I fear. So?)

Greatest Regret: To have hurt those i love in the past

Greatest Temptation: Loving Someone

Guilty Pleasures: Online Gaming, Food

Obsessions: Fitness, Control (Im a control freak, bear with me hehex)

Loves most: Myself (I gotta come first, sorry ^^)

Loves least: My older bro (But I dont hate)

Biggest Crush? Hehx: Miss Liana my Chem Teacher

Anythin else: I BITE :P

He thinks: None of this stuff really matters, do they?

Special Thanks:
In A BOX Publications

"Hadi for Easy Digestion" aside, Im really bored. My mom psycho-ed me not to go to werk as long as they havent paid me.

Her winning speech:
"If they dun respect u as an employee, Dun respect them as management."

That's why she's the voice of reason in this house. Niways now im just stoning waitin for Rahz to come over. Anybody else wanna drop by? hahax

See ya around. Ciao~
P.S. Thanks so much Irene for hosting me. ^^

"Know thy ENEMY... Know thy SELF..."

++ lieberated at 1:11 AM